Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Non Violence

A question put to me by somebody:

i dont believe in non violence...what happened to all the peaceful people throughout history...mostly they were slaughtered. Look at the state of Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh, well these peaceful guys wont exist anymore.

 well well..maybe apparently true at some level

but if i rephrase it means u believe in violence.And by violence i hope u mean war and not the other kind of violence...

I am wondering about the violence which often breaks out in American schools...

Hitler is said to have committed suicide.

And i am sure i need not talk about Gandhiji and our freedom struggle

When you are totally non-violent (meaning even in the mind),violence just stops in your presence..It does, in case of His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji's Presence.This has to be experienced. It cannot be comprehended intellectually/logically.

There has been wars in our two greatest of Epics too.Jesus too was crucified.He is worshipped for what he stood..Love

Guruji says WAR is Worst Act of Reason ! It should be the last resort.

Peace and some amount of disturbance will always continue to always has...You have to decide, you are on which side.

Hope Americans are not considering a war for economic purposes :)

May peace prevail in all minds,hearts and all communities of the world...
Luv & Light