Thursday, December 31, 2009

May the new calendar year bring you the joys of health,wisdom,prosperity and peace:-)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A talk by H H Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji

There are 7 points that India can be proud of and that have not been explored yet.

Food: There are so many varieties of food in India. Tripura, a small place in India, has more than 200 varieties of food. North Indians don’t know the different kinds of South Indian dishes. Even South Indians don’t know the dishes from North India. We don’t market ourselves properly. We have the greatest varieties possible in the world, yet we don’t project ourselves.

Tourism: We have a great part of history which we don’t capitalize.

Music & Dance: There are so many types of dance and music which we haven’t even projected so far.

Dress & Jewelry: The Indian dress is appreciated the world over. We have no pride of what we wear. Places like Thailand and Indonesia are very proud of their dress and jewelry. We are not. We don’t feel good about ourselves. Low self-esteem is eating our attitude and culture.

Information Technology: This will take India to new heights.

Ayurveda: There are 280 kinds of flora and fauna available in India which is not available anywhere in the world. We don’t pay any attention to that. These are going to be the future medicine of 21st century.

Triphala: Foreigners have taken this formula and patented it. Similarly, things are happening all over the world.

Indian Spiritual Values: The yoga market is valued at $27 billion in the United States itself. 99% of local US people dominate this market. They started preparing materials for yoga which is a product of India and our gift to the world. People are invited to do mantra and chanting in some building in New York. All across India, in temples if someone is chanting, we don’t even bother to look at them.