Saturday, December 10, 2011

Paneer Salad


For the salad:

2 apples , chopped or thinly sliced

1 1/2 tsp lemon juice

4 medium sized tomatoes, chopped or sliced into thin rounds

1 small cucumber, chopped or sliced into thin rounds

200 gm pan-grilled paneer cubes (with a tsp of olive oil)

2 to 3 tbsp chopped walnuts, lightly toasted

For the orange-mint dressing:

1/4 cup orange juice

½ tsp garlic paste

2 tbsp olive oil

2 tbsp mint cut into strips

salt and pepper to taste


Prepare the dressing. 
In a small glass bow, whisk the orange juice and olive oil till well emulsified. Add the mint, salt and pepper. Mix again and refrigerate till required, if not serving the salad immediately.

 Pan-grill the paneer cubes.Heat one tsp of olive oil in a non-stick frying pan. Turn down the heat to medium and add the paneer cubes. Toss frequently till all the paneer cubes are uniformly grilled to a light brown colour. Remove to a plate and allow to cool. 

In the meanwhile, cut the apples and toss them in the lemon juice to prevent them from changing colour. Cut the tomatoes and cucumber into desired shapes and size. 

Add the dressing and mix well so the pieces are coated with the dressing. Sprinkle the walnuts and serve immediately. Alternatively, do not add the walnuts but allow the salad to marinate in the dressing for about half an hour. Add the walnuts just before serving.

This recipe serves 4.

Note:The pic is of the one that i made at home without garlic.

Happy Eating !

Disclaimer: This recipe is not mine,but wanted to share.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Chakras and The Seven Sacred Cities

Seven cities in India corres-pond to seven centres or chakras in our body: "Ayodhya, Mathura, Maya, Kashi, Kanchi, Avanthika, Puri drawaravati chaiva, saptaide moksha dayika". Maya or Haridwar corresponds to the mooladhar chakra situated at the base of the spine. When the jadata or lethargy goes and enthu-siasm begins, you commence your journey. Hari-dwar, the starting point, is "the door to the house of the Divine".

Kanchi corresponds to the swadhisthana chakra situa-ted behind the genitals, as the presiding deity here is Kamakshi, the goddess of kama or desire.

Ayodhya corresponds to the third chakra, the manipura, situated in the navel region, where joy, generosity, greed and jealousy manifest. All these emotions are connected to Ayodhya.

It was the jealousy and greed of Kaikai that made Rama take vanavas. Ayodhya is also known for the generosity of Rama. The joy of Rama’s return to Ayodhya is celebrated as Diwali. Joy, genero-sity, greed and jealousy meet in the nabhi pradesh, Ayodhya. Ayodhya also means where there is no fight, where it cannot hurt.

Mathura is anahata, the heart chakra. The heart is associated with three emotions: Love, fear and hatred. Mathura symbolises the love and devotion of the gopis for Krishna, as well as of the fear and hatred of Kansa, all matters of the heart.

Avanthika, also called Ujjain, is related to the vishuddha or the throat chakra. Ujjain is the city of art and literature. Poet Kalidas hailed from Ujjain. It is also the city of Vikramaditya, of grief and glory. We feel gratitude in the throat region — we get choked.

Kashi represents the ajna chakra situated between the eyebrows. Kashi has always been the seat of knowledge. That’s why the ajna chakra is also called gyana chakshu, the third eye. Kashi is the city of pundits and scholars.

Dwaraka represents the sahasrara, the crown chakra on top of the head. Dwar-ka literally means: "Where is the door?" The door is irrelevant if there are no walls. Infinity has no walls. Krishna left his body in Dwarka. Sahasrara also means thousand avenues. It means the pathless path. The path to liberation begins at Haridwar and culminates at Dwarka.

The soul is called Purusha. Pura means a town. Purusha means one who lives in the town. The Purusha is unbound and infinite. But the Purusha experiences bondage with all the negative emotions. Positive feelings with knowledge are liberating. Positive feelings without knowledge create negative emotions which are stifling, hence one experiences bondage. When you observe the prana moving through different centres associated with sensations, the negative feelings cease to exist and one is liberated from bondage.

The microcosm and the macrocosm are interlinked. Planet earth, home to many organisms, is itself a large organism. It is not just a place for living beings; it is a living organism as a whole. This is what the Gaia theory says. Materialism considers everything as objects. Spirituality, on the other hand, discovers life in everything. So do children. For them, the moon talks, the sun smiles and the mountains hear. Everything comes alive. Chicken, cows, mice — all are perceived to be in communication mode. Even cities have collective consciousness. A street where unethical people conduct their business is believed to emit heavy vibrations whereas an educational institution or a place of worship emits positive and light vibrations.

The seven sacred rivers are the Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswati, Godavari, Narmada, Sindhu and Kaveri.

Together with the seven sacred cities, they are linked to the seven sacred spots within you.

- A talk by H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 

now a TWEEPLE !

 Reconnecting to the world on twitter from @katina_g

Monday, August 22, 2011


Janamashtami celebrates the birth of Lord Krishna. Ashtami is significant as it indicates a perfect balance 
between the seen and the unseen aspects of reality; the visible material world and the invisible spiritual realm.

Krishna’s birth on Ashtami signifies his mastery of both the spiritual and material worlds. He is a great teacher and a spiritual inspiration as well as the consummate politician. On one hand, he is Yogeshwara (the Lord of Yogas — the state to which every yogi aspires) while on the other, he is a mischievous thief.

The unique quality of Krishna is that he is at once more pious than the saints and yet a thorough mischief-monger! His behaviour is a perfect balance of the extremes — perhaps this is why the personality of Krishna is so difficult to fathom. The avdhoot is oblivious to the world outside and a materialistic person, a politician or a king is oblivious to the spiritual world. But Krishna is both Dwarkadheesh and Yogeshwar.

Krishna’s teachings are most relevant to our times in the sense that they neither let you get lost in material pursuits nor make you completely withdrawn. They rekindle your life, from being a burnt-out and stressed personality to a more centred and dynamic one. Krishna teaches us devotion with skill. To celebrate Gokulashtami is to imbibe extremely opposite yet compatible qualities and manifest them in your own life.

Hence the most authentic way of celebrating Janamashtami is knowing that you have to play a dual role — of being a responsible human being on the planet and at the same time to realize that you are above all events, the untouched Brahman. Imbibing a bit of avadhoot and a bit of activism in your life is the real significance of celebrating Janamashtami.

- A talk by H.H Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Let us create a wave in India from Kashmir to Kanyakumari. From (chanting) Satyam Param Dhimahi (Let Truth, Divinity and Knowledge shine through me), it will move into 'Satyam eva Jayathe' (Truth alone shall prevail). Start chanting everywhere in groups - chant Satyam Param Dhimahi for 10 minutes with a few minutes of silence before and after
Online Chanting:​yam-param-dhimahi-chants

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

India Against Corruption

Have taken this from Bawa's blog

Dhyan karna seekh liya, ab dhyan rakhna bhi seekho!” – H.H. Sri Sri Ravi
*India Against Corruption <>*

Corruption is happening every minute and at almost every possible level of
the system in India right now. Together, we have the power to remove it from
its roots, and make India the starting point of action against corruption
across the world. But to make that possible, we need to ask ourselves the
following 3 questions…

*1. Why is corruption happening?*

It’s happening because of poor laws and policies in the government, which
keep changing according to the whims and fancies of politicians and get
mended according to what suits them best.

Guruji says, it’s happening because of lack of belongingness and the only
obvious cure is Spirituality which can bring back the Human Values.
Corruption happens because people don’t feel that they belong to each other.
“apne hi hai sab log”. No one would want a bribe from his own family member
would they? Every action arises out of our own thought, and self
purification is the cure. To feel that belongingness, Self purification is
required. Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation, Sudarshan Kriya, Seva, Satsang,
Silence and Grace can bring about that transformation in an individual and
hence in society.

*2. Is there any solution to corruption?*


The first thing is to eliminate corruption at your own level. Say no to
bribes; join hands to fight corruption through marches, awareness campaigns
and mass vote. For the India Against Corruption movement, the solution is to
lay strict Anti Corruption rules by the formation of the *Jan Lokpal
Bill*by the citizens.

What is and What could be...

*3. What can I do? How do I contribute to this movement?*
a. Join the India Against Corruption movement, by giving a missed call to
022 61550789 (we need at least 25 Lakh missed calls, around 5 Lakh are done so far). We will SMS you a message from Anna and others, on what you can do today, and every day.


 b. Stay in touch with minute-by-minute progress, join us on

c. Spread this message. Write on your facebook walls, publish this article
on your blog. Print it out and stick it in your lifts and office notice
boards. Do whatever it takes to get it to the public at large. Invite people
to join Anna at the Jantar Mantar .
Do anything and everything in your capacity! Our nation needs LAKHS to join
Anna at Jantar Mantar!
For any suggestions/queries: – write to:

Our Nation needs responsible, empowered people right now, so let’s help our
India, our Bharat Mata in every possible way we are capable of!

Another of Guruji’s quotes to end with: *“When you come out of your personal
comfort zone and take a higher responsibility, you will find that whatever
you want gets magically taken care of!”*

Friday, April 1, 2011

HH Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji: Disease free body, quiver-free breath, agitation free mind, inhibition free intellect, trauma free memory and an all encompassing ego is the birth right of every individual”

Life & Meditation

Wondering at the impermanence of life! Seeing how the mind needs ‘something’ to stick itself to?

And for this impermanent life, we want everything else to be so permanent…situations, emotions, relationships ...the works. It’s so funny that people run behind everything that their mind makes them run after!! Yet how dispassionately the spirit disassociates itself with matter, never to return with the same name and form …maybe, yes in that sense you only get ‘one‘ life.

In the broader perspective, life goes on; life is eternal…just with another name and form. Like H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji says   “you are floating in an ocean of life”.

It reminds me of the wet sand on the shore. By walking over it, we create the foots prints.
Isn’t it similar to our mind storing impressions? And then when the ocean comes in form of a wave, how it washes the shore clean. Isn’t meditation just like that wave of the ocean?

H.H Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji says “Meditation is dropping the body, before it drops you”.

Though the beach is a big stretch, yet only the sand adjoining the ocean get “cleared” of the imprints!

Meditation makes you new all over again, so fresh!

The ocean is inviting…

 Asangoham Punah Punah

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Useful tips 4 d govt employees to succeed and survive:

1. Bane raho pagla,kaam karega agla

2.Bane raho lull,salary milege full

3. Jisne le tension,uski biwi paayegi pension

4.Kaam se daro nahi aur kaam ko karo nahi

5.Kaam karo ya na karo,kaam ki fikr jarur karo

6.Fikar karo ya na karo magar Boss se Zikar jarur karo

7. Jo kaam kare uski ungli karo aur jo na kare uski chugli karo !

Disclaimer: Received these from someone.These are not mine :)